Your Guide to Working with a Lactation Consultant

Congratulations! You’re starting the beautiful journey of breastfeeding, and I know it can feel a bit overwhelming at times. There are so many questions and concerns, along with perhaps a few sore nipples (trust me, I’ve heard it all!). That’s where I come in as your lactation consultant—your personal support system on this journey.

What is a Lactation Consultant?

Think of me as your personal breastfeeding expert. I’m an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC), specially trained to guide breastfeeding mothers and help them overcome any challenges they may face. While breastfeeding is natural, it doesn’t always come easily for every mother and baby. Whether it’s issues with latching, concerns about milk supply, or simply wanting to learn more about newborn care, I have the knowledge and expertise to help you reach your breastfeeding goals.

Your Breastfeeding Appointment – What to Expect

During our consultation, I’ll come to your home, so you can relax in your own space—pyjamas and all! I’ll begin by chatting with you about your birth experience, as this can play a big role in how breastfeeding progresses.

Then, I’ll observe a feeding session and check your baby’s latch. This allows me to make any necessary adjustments to help your baby feed effectively and comfortably. I’ll be here to answer all your questions—no topic is too big or too small! If needed, I can refer you to other healthcare professionals, such as a tongue-tie specialist, to ensure you receive the best care possible.

Remember, every family’s journey is unique. Whether you’re exclusively breastfeeding, expressing milk, or using a combination of methods, I’m here to support you without any judgement. My goal is to help you achieve your desired feeding experience.

Assessment Time – From Breast Milk to Latching Techniques

Now it’s time to focus on your little one! I’ll observe your baby’s feeding cues and overall health, ensuring that everything is going smoothly. This assessment allows me to gently guide you and make any necessary adjustments to improve your feeding experience.

Addressing Your Breastfeeding Challenges

Here’s the important part! I’ll use my expertise to address any breastfeeding challenges you’re facing. Whether you’re concerned about milk supply, proper positioning techniques, or your baby’s weight gain, I’m here to help. I’ll provide information on nappy output and other important developmental milestones to ensure your baby is healthy and thriving.

Tailored Solutions for Newborn Care

Based on our discussion and your unique situation, I’ll create a personalised breastfeeding plan just for you. This plan will include tips on latching techniques, feeding routines, and strategies for dealing with common challenges like sore nipples or low milk supply. If you’re combining breastfeeding with bottle feeding, I’ll offer advice on how to introduce bottles while continuing to breastfeed.

The Benefits of Breastfeeding

For your baby, breast milk is a complete source of nutrition, packed with vital nutrients and antibodies that boost their immune system and help them fight infections. It also supports healthy weight gain and brain development. For you, breastfeeding helps your uterus contract and reduces postnatal bleeding, aiding quicker recovery after birth. It also lowers your risk of breast and ovarian cancers. Not to mention, breastfeeding strengthens the bond between you and your baby, providing them with comfort and security.

Preparing for Our Visit

Before our appointment, here are a few things to have ready to make the most of our time together:

  • A list of your breastfeeding questions and concerns: Write down anything you want to discuss so you don’t forget during our meeting.
  • Comfortable nursing clothes: Wearing breastfeeding-friendly outfits will make it easier for me to assess your baby’s latch.
  • Focus on your baby’s feeding cues: Frequent feeding at irregular intervals is normal. Trust your baby’s cues rather than the clock.
  • Breast pump supplies: If you’re using a breast pump, have it handy so I can ensure you’re using it correctly.

Remember, You’re Not Alone!

I know breastfeeding can be challenging, but you don’t have to go through it alone. I’m here to support you, so feel free to reach out whenever you feel overwhelmed or need someone to talk to. At Pregnancy to Parenthood, I’m dedicated to guiding you every step of the way. As an IBCLC, antenatal educator, baby massage instructor, holistic sleep coach, and Birth Trauma Resolution practitioner, I’m here to help you transition from pregnancy to parenthood with confidence and support.

Book your appointment today, and let’s tackle this journey together!